Paranormal Rangers

Stanley Milford Jr. and Jonathan Redbird Dover, known as the Paranormal Rangers, spent over a decade investigating and documenting cases involving Bigfoot, hauntings, Navajo witchcraft, and UFOs. Their unique expertise and dedication have made them leading figures in the exploration of the supernatural on Navajo Nation lands.

Stanley Milford Jr.

Stanley Milford Jr. spent his childhood between rural Oklahoma and the Navajo Reservation, attending school in Oklahoma while spending summers in Arizona. He graduated from high school in Oklahoma and from Haskell Indian Junior College in Kansas. Stan also attended Fort Lewis College in Colorado and the University of Arizona in Tucson. While in Tucson, he was called back to the Navajo Nation to serve as a Navajo Ranger.

After graduating from the United States Indian Police Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, Stan dedicated over 23 years as a sworn law enforcement Ranger, progressing from Ranger Recruit to Ranger Sergeant, and eventually served as the Delegated Chief Navajo Ranger until March 2019. He was a department firearm instructor, SWAT team leader, and worked undercover with the FBI as part of the Navajo Police’s Drug and Gang Task Force. He also served as a Utah State Police Officer during the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Stan was known for his role in the "Special Projects Unit," handling critical, sensitive, or high-profile cases, including investigations into the paranormal or supernatural such as Bigfoot, UFOs, extraterrestrials, witchcraft, skinwalkers, ghosts, and hauntings. These cases were a small fraction of the unit's total investigations but remain significant.

In 2021, Stan transitioned to work as the Senior Investigator for the Navajo Nation’s White Collar Crime Unit before retiring in May 2023 after over 30 years of service. Today, he and Jonathan Dover continue to assist with paranormal cases in an unofficial capacity. Despite many of these incidents occurring years ago, they remain unforgettable.

Jonathan Redbird Dover

Jonathan Redbird Dover is a seasoned law enforcement officer with over 31 years of experience. He has served with the City of Winslow Arizona Police Department, the National Park Service, the Navajo Historic Preservation Department, and the Navajo Nation Rangers, retiring as a Lieutenant in 2011. Jonathan graduated from the Navajo Nation Police Academy with top honors, including the Marksmanship, Academic Achievement, and Outstanding Cadet awards, and received further training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Criminal Investigations.

With over 4,000 hours of law enforcement and weapons training, Jonathan has specialized in a variety of fields, including Archaeological Resource Crimes Investigations, SWAT tactical operations, hazardous materials response, search and rescue, technical accident investigation, and computer forensics. He has also served as an instructor in Police Firearms training and High Angle Technical Rescue and was the Co-Commander of the Ranger Tactical team.

During his tenure with the Navajo Nation Rangers, Jonathan, alongside Stanley Milford Jr., was tasked with investigating and documenting cases involving Bigfoot, hauntings, Navajo witchcraft, and UFOs. These assignments spanned over 11 years and were in addition to his regular duties enforcing natural resource laws.

In his personal life, Jonathan is active in Native American Pow Wows and the Apache Tribe of Oklahoma Blackfoot Society. He has played guitar for 47 years and is an avid fly fisherman. Jonathan's heritage includes Navajo, Southern Cheyenne, Apache Tribe of Oklahoma (Kiowa-Apache), and Filipino.


Writer, beekeepers, and all-around nerd in New Mexico.

Greg Bishop


Richard Charles Doty